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Teamwork, the definition to a group of people who don’t only help each out but look out for each other. This is one of the important characteristics a group should have, not only to fulfill a lot of success in the nearing future but also to maintain the strength the group have. Though there a lot of other things a group should have and should maintain but there would always be things that should come first to successfully build a strong group, because success is gained through effort and hard work. It is not quite complicated when someone is just gaining success for her/his own satisfaction, but when it involves a group of people it would be complicated, because every member should have a big role in the group, their own respective responsibilities and especially to be able to understand each other. People often are too proud on themselves that will make a huge possibility to bring their group down, especially if each one of them just wants to function into their own accord and likes and not accepting the adjustments of being in a group. Adjustments are really important in each and every person in a group to be able to socialize and bond with other people in their group. There are a lot of group of people anyone could make or enter, but what group I mostly dedicate this that needs teamwork are the dancers throughout the world.

Though there a lot of them don’t really need knowing someone’s opinion about their group, but mostly there are cases where a group went their separate ways due to their failures or they did not understand each other that well. People in a group often are too occupied of the things they got too busy with to take notice the more important things that they should mind than what they are doing. My point is that some other group are too occupied to do improvements with their dancing and bond with each other, they just did not even take notice any discomfort any member felt or have towards other members or how they feel with the ideas other members exchange with each other. Either the leader did not consider every members vote on something or she just chose to ignore the other members stating their opinion and they just reconsider the other member that’s much closer to her than the other ones. We cannot deny that most of the dancers now have their own favoritism in their group. This is one of the most common problems a group usually encounter, therefore result why they cannot succeed in having a successful strong bond and teamwork. Some may believe that teamwork is not quite important but the cooperation of the members is, but they are mistaken because how can the member cooperate when they cannot even work with each other willing fully rather than forcefully. Everything that happens to group all depends on the upbringing of their leader. Teamwork is able to pull each member of a group to become closer.
Dancers in a group are not just together for themselves to be exposed but they need to understand that every member of their group are not just being friends but needs to be treated each other as family. Teamwork is also capable of bringing a lot of achievements in their group. Being a team doesn’t abandon others that are struggling in their own problems personal or not, they would help their member to stand again. A team would help each other out to overcome their worst fears, stand beside them facing difficulties life give them. They are not just a team when their battles begin but even when they are not facing battles they are still a team when they succeed or through failures.
Some other situations there are some group of dancers that are together for how many years and they still are not considered as a family, that’s because their certain leader is not acting like one, because she cannot take the responsibility seriously. Like their certain leader should not let other members dictate her rather hear out their opinions about her decision and the suggestions of her members. If she thinks what change she should do to make the group improve and let them know each other more then she would not let her member intimidate and have doubts about her decision, that’s what it takes to be a leader, if she cannot handle the responsibility then he/she is not worthy of the position.
Teamwork is based on the characteristics and personalities of each member. Whether a member could adjust and be more open to its group, the problem is his/her own group doesn’t want to know each other. A group may spend time with each other a lot of times but when they just spend time to practice dancing and not to know each other then it is hard for other people to notice the teamwork in a group. It is very uncomfortable when you just apply teamwork in times where your group joins a battle and when a group is spending time with each other they do not socialize with each other rather they would have their own separate ways and their much closer buddies to talk to, and spend time with. Unlike the other members that are left out. Others may think that a group is close with each other but in reality they just talk at their backs when the group part ways. This kind of situation is very disappointing in the eyes of the people who take notice of their actions. A group may act like each one of them are close but they cannot fool themselves, especially those people that are with them and is just observing their actions. What would happen to a group when a fan discovers this kind of behavior in a group? The fan would be disappointed and the worse possibility is that the fan would tell other people about what he/she witnessed.
See, teamwork is important because your performance did not just improve but each member would truly feely happy and not gloomy when they encounter failures. The reason why teamwork is very important because we can feel that we have a group of people that care for us and not a group because of the people but what they feel towards each other. We know that we have people that will be there for us besides our family they would be the ones who we can trust and rely on in happy and gloomy days.

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